How To Find a Coffee Supplier
When you search for “How to find a coffee supplier” on Google, you will notice that each website that Google shows in the search results talks about and provides advice on different types of suppliers.
Some pages refer to exporters, others to importers, and others to roasters. This is because the term “coffee supplier” is too broad. Many actors in the supply chain fulfill this function.
Therefore, to find the right supplier, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of which supplier you are looking for, but more importantly, you need to know The New Coffee Supply Chain to identify new and much better suppliers.
Previously, the supply chain was quite simple.

But today, the supply chain is more complex. This allows you to have more and better options when it comes to sourcing green or roasted coffee beans.

This transformation in the supply chain has been generated due to 4 factors.
The first factor is that actors in both producing and consuming countries have stopped fulfilling a specific function to fulfil multiple functions.
In producing countries, actors have a better understanding of technology and make better use of it. For example, coffee farmers and cooperatives have websites and use mobile applications, which allow them to bypass intermediaries.
On the other hand, in consuming countries, some actors such as specialty coffee shops import, roast, and distribute coffee beans.
The second factor is that coffee consumers, both in producing and consuming countries, are acquiring a considerable amount of knowledge about coffee. A large number of them, especially in the US and EU markets, are roasting coffee at home, which generates an important change in purchasing habits, as well as in the supply chain.
The third factor is changes in laws and regulations in producing countries. Colombia has made changes in its regulations and now it is possible to send up to 60 Kg of green coffee and 50 Kg of roasted coffee by currier service.
This allows a small business or an individual anywhere in the world to receive green or roasted coffee at their doorstep in less than a week without having to go through any import or export procedures, using express courier services such as those offered by the company DHL. you can read more about this service here.
The fourth factor is the emergence of Coffee Marketplaces, a new actor that, through the use of technology, helps connect producers with actors in the supply chain in consuming countries and, in turn, serves as an importer.
So, in order to find the right supplier, it is necessary to take into account the changes in the supply chain and who you are.
Are you an individual?
Are you a business?
Are you a coffee shop?
Are you a distributor?
Are you a roaster?
Are you an importer?

If you are an individual searching for a coffee supplier, we assume you are an advanced consumer who roasts coffee at home. It is possible that you have knowledge not only of the roasting process but also of the entire production process, and have a palate almost as sophisticated as a Q-grader.
If you have developed a taste for good coffee and can appreciate and distinguish the different flavors and aromas of beans, you may be experiencing coffee fever, which drives you to constantly seek new and exotic coffees.
As a coffee connoisseur, you likely already know that your suppliers are local specialty coffee shops and online distributors. We won’t discuss the factors to consider when sourcing from these suppliers.
Our Tip.
You may already know that Google search results can vary depending on the region and country where you are located. Therefore, we advise you to change your Google search settings and perform searches that offer results for a producing country. This way, you will be able to find many new options.
Watch the video below to learn how you can change your country in the search settings:
This approach will enable you to find suppliers in the country you are most interested in, such as coffee growers, cooperatives, or exporters, and this opens the doors to a whole new world.
This method is intended for advanced coffee consumers who already have experience buying coffee online and are looking for unique and exotic beans.

There are several reasons why companies and commercial businesses sign contracts with coffee distributors that provide them with specialized coffee machines in exchange for buying all the coffee they consume.
However, the major disadvantage of these agreements is that over time the quality of the coffee tends to decrease, while the prices tend to increase.
Our tip.
Do a Google search for your local specialty coffee shops, as the majority of them are gradually becoming local distributors. Working with these businesses presents several advantages, such as having a great variety of high-quality coffee. Additionally, they roast coffee in small quantities, ensuring that you always receive freshly roasted coffee. This is in contrast to large distributors who roast and pack coffee in large quantities to keep it in stock.
To work with these businesses, you will need to purchase one or several coffee machines depending on the size of your company or business. However, it’s important to remember that good coffee is the best stimulant for all members of your team.

Coffee shops that do not carry out their own roasting process, which we could refer to as classic coffee shops, typically sell conventional coffees that they buy from local roasters or distributors.
These coffee shops are facing tough competition from the new generation coffee shops, which offer a wide variety of green coffee beans that they import directly or buy from specialized importers. Adapting and competing against these new coffee shops can be challenging.
However, there has been an interesting shift in the relationship between these two types of businesses. Classic coffee shops are now seeing the new coffee shops as allies rather than competition.
Increasingly, specialized coffee shops are becoming suppliers for all types of businesses, including their competitors.
Our tip.
Make a search for nearby specialty coffee shops and inquire if they provide the service of being a supplier or if they are willing to do so. This can be a win-win situation for both parties, so finding an ally should not be difficult.

Specialty coffee shops are always in search of exotic and unique coffees. It’s essential for them to continuously offer new varieties of coffee with different profiles, as this is what attracts their demanding clientele.
The majority of the specialty coffee shops are supplied with green coffee through two main sources: importers and marketplaces.
Importers are a quick source of supply since they have large quantities available in stock. However, they have very few varieties to offer, and these are not exotic coffee lots.
Marketplaces have a wide range of unique and exotic coffees for sale. However, they take a long time to import and deliver the product as they usually do not have stock due to the low availability of the product.
Our tip.
Do not wait for new coffees to be put up for sale on platforms or to be imported by importers. Instead, search on Google for suppliers in the countries of origin and use the DHL delivery service or use the importers and platforms themselves to solve the logistics.

Are you a small distributor who owns its own brand and currently purchases roasted coffee from a local supplier?
If you’re seeking a new supplier, we understand that there could be various reasons for this change. Perhaps your current supplier offers limited coffee varieties, or your profit margin is too small.
It might not be feasible for you to become a roaster due to the complexities and costs involved, such as equipment, knowledge, and space.
Our tip.
Consider purchasing roasted coffee from producing countries. This could be a more attractive option for you. As we have recommended previously in this article, do searches in Google change the search settings, and enter the producing country of your choice. This way you will find not only exporters but also cooperatives that roast and pack coffee at the origin.
By opting for this approach, You can enhance the traceability of your coffee, which is a critical factor for consumers, improve the quality, and have better profits.

Typically, medium and small roasters source their supplies from large importers. However, these importers have been purchasing the same products from identical suppliers for years, which may prompt you to seek new profiles or more favorable pricing.
Regardless of why you’re looking for a new supplier, the critical point is that a new player is now available in the supply chain to offer you various options.
Our Tip.
Perform a Google search for coffee platforms or marketplaces. These platforms are utilized by specialized coffee shops and provide a novel method of connecting coffee growers and exporters in producing countries with all actors in the commercialization chain in consuming countries.
These platforms not only connect buyers and sellers but also serve as importers and handle logistics.

For both small and large coffee importers, as well as for all actors in the supply chain, it is essential to work with a trusted supplier at the source. Many problems can arise when importing coffee, and it’s important to have the peace of mind that comes with being backed by a reliable supplier.
One of the biggest fears for coffee importers is receiving a product of lower quality than agreed upon. This is because intermediaries and exporters often have quality control issues.
Our tip.
Search for coffee cooperatives on Google and buy directly from them. Many cooperatives have an online presence and are established as exporters. This allows you to eliminate intermediaries at the source and ensures greater quality control.
To find the right supplier, it is necessary to consider that there are new alternatives and that you may also have to fulfil an extra function in order to get the result you are looking for. Don’t be afraid to skip members of the supply chain and form alliances in the producing countries.
We hope this information has been useful to you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to make a contribution or simply give your opinion.
Thanks for explaining that being internet savvy can also be great for finding a supplier of coffee. I’m interested in looking for finding a Christian coffee company soon because I’m thinking about buying in bulk in the future. That way, I wouldn’t need to keep including coffee in my grocery list all the time.